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fpeng at smu.edu.cn


Ÿ2005.9 - 2009.6 华南理工大学 科技英语专业 文学学士

Ÿ2009.9 - 2012.6 南方医科大学 应用心理学专业 教育学硕士

Ÿ2012.9 - 2016.12 英国伦敦玛丽女王大学 心理学专业(计算神经科学方向) 心理学博士

2022.10 - 2023.04 英国剑桥大学 植物学系(进化与发展研究组) 访问学者


Ÿ熊蜂认知行为与计算仿真:我们主要通过动物行为实验、行为追踪、与神经环路计算模型等研究方法, 探索熊蜂决策的行为机制,对于个体主观经验信息和社会信息的加工、以及多种高级认知能力在神经环路层面的编码机制等。


Yonghe Zhou#, HaDi MaBouDi#, Chaoyang Peng, Hiruni Samadi Galpayage Dona, Selene Gutierrez Al-Khudhairy, Lars Chittka, Cwyn Solvi, Fei Peng*, 2023. Bumblebees display stimulus-specific persistence behaviour after being trained on delayed reinforcement. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, in press. (* Corresponding author)

Cwyn Solvi, Yonghe Zhou, Yunxiao Feng, Yuyi Lu, Mark Roper, Rebecca J Reid, Lars Chittka, Andrew B Barron, Fei Peng*, 2022. Bumblebees retrieve only the ordinal ranking of foraging options when comparing memories obtained in distinct settings. eLife 11:e78525. (* Corresponding author)

Yonghe Zhou, Li Sun, Xiaodan Peng, Cwyn Solvi, Fei Peng*, 2020. Chromatic, achromatic, and bimodal negative patterning discrimination by free-flying bumble bees. Animal Behaviour 169: 93-101. (* Corresponding author)

Vera Vasas, Fei Peng*, HaDi MaBouDi, Lars Chitkka, 2019. Randomly weighted receptor inputs can explain the large diversity of colour-coding neurons in the bee visual system. Scientific Reports 9: 8330. (* Corresponding author)

Fei Peng, Lars Chitkka, 2017. A simple computational model of the bee mushroom body can explain seemingly complex forms of olfactory learning and memory. Current Biology 27(2): 224-230. (First author)

ŸPaul Ardin#, Fei Peng#, Michael Mangan, Kostas Lagogiannis, Barbara Webb*, 2016. Using an insect mushroom body circuit to encode route memory in complex natural environments. PLoS Computational Biology 12(2): e1004683. (# Co-first author)

ŸLars Chittka, Fei Peng, 2013. Caffeine boosts bees’ memories. Science, 339: 1157-1159. (Second author)





